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We Care about the safety of our residents

Writer: CommunicationsCommunications

By Village Manager

Karen Martin

When the storm struck on Wednesday 20th October, our primary concern was the residents.

Staff members from every department (HR, finance, administration, home care, grounds and maintenance, welfare staff and management) were all hands on deck at 3.30pm. Staff were dispatched to visit residents in the pouring rain on foot to ensure the safety of our community. Tarps, tape & torches were dispatched with staff to attend all residents homes to attend to broken windows, broken skylights and water ingress. The manhours of assistance went through to 7.30pm that night.

The next day all staff regrouped and attended each residents home by zones, going door to door providing assistance, listening and caring for our distressed and anguished residents. SES were on site asap Thursday morning , along with the fire brigade to ‘make safe’ our residents homes.

Suppliers/contractors worked long hours through the week and into the weekend – these teams consisted of Rooney Glass, Roofing Matters, Steamatic and Elite Roofing. Our contractor refurbishment supervisor Nathan went above and beyond, taking charge of the trades and managing residents safety concerns.

Over the next few days, we continually kept contacting our residents, ensuring their safety and providing caring support.

The dedication and support from all staff was tremendous, we are truly blessed to have such considerate, kind and devoted people working in our organisation dedicated to our MG & MC community.

Continually striving to achieve our mission statement – We Care.

Insurance assessors, builder and contractors are presently making their way through the Village, attending to repairs, with works expected to progress for several months.

Some feedback from our grateful residents...

"I am writing this email to say a huge “Thanks and Appreciation” for the great effort of staff and volunteers so soon after Wednesday’s storm had passed.

It was a frightening event and I am sure several residents were left feeling traumatised once it cleared.

“We Care” was certainly evident on that afternoon - to be part of such a caring community is indeed a privilege. As soon as it was safe - residents were out checking on their neighbours to make sure they were ok .Our street had several staff /volunteers call to make sure we were safe and to record damage to our units.

Thank you again to you, Michael and all the support staff. It must have been an exercise in “logistics” - which no doubt will be ongoing for some time yet."

Kind Regards,


"Good afternoon Michael and Karen,

I have just had the assessor and builder here and they could not have been more helpful. I did advise them that no glass came into my room as the shutters slammed shut keeping all glass from the broken window on the ledge only and that the shutters saved you having to replace the carpet.

Just wanting to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation and to say a big

THANK YOU to you and all the staff at Marian Grove, who looked out for us and went above and beyond their duties. WE CARE rang out loud and clear.

Thank you again"


"Hi Karen,

We just want to congratulate you, your boys and everyone who worked so valiantly to get everything ship shape. The whole place looks terrific and I even walked Ollie through the woods yesterday and the paths were spotless.

On Sunday we even had the holes in the sunroom roof covered over. So please thank all concerned whether it is insurance, ground staff or yourself and office staff.


Fiona and Denis


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