MONDAY 10th October
10 am Pavilion Art of Ageing Exhibition
TUESDAY 11th October
10 am Pavilion Art of Ageing Exhibition
10 am Small Bungalow Youngster Co. Tech assistance for seniors
10.00 am Pavilion Welcome to Country - Auntie Jenny
Speeches - Michael Darragh CEO etc
10.30 am Blessing by Father Michael Alcock
10.35 am Cut Ribbon
10.40 am Cultural dances and smoking ceremony Giingan Dancers
11.00 am Refreshments
12.00 pm Pavilion The Shed Men Band (Blues and jazz)
12-12.40 pm The Link Cafe Violin Music while you dine
WEDNESDAY 12th October
10 am Pavilion Art of Ageing Exhibition
10 am Small Bungalow Youngster Co. Tech assistance for seniors
10 am Pavilion Young at Art Opening followed by refreshments and fun activities (VR and Tovertofal)
12-1pm Sawtell Ukulele Band
THURSDAY 13th October
10 am Pavilion Art of Ageing Exhibition
10 am Pavilion Young at Art Exhibition
10 am Small Bungalow Youngster Co. Tech assistance for seniors
10 am and 1 pm Big Bungalow Lyndall (Coffs Artisan Cooking School)
‘Perfect Platter” workshops demo with lucky door prizes
11.30-12pm Pavilion Marian Grove Ukulele Band
FRIDAY 14th October
10 am Pavilion Art of Ageing Exhibition
10 am Pavilion Young at Art Exhibition
10 am Small Bungalow Youngster Co. Tech assistance for seniors
10.30 -11.30 am Pavilion The Shed Men Band
11-11.30 am Pavilion Marian Grove Ukulele Band
12.30 - 1.30pm The Shed Men band - Country