On 14th April we passed another milestone in our operationalising of The Link, holding a formal blessing of the site attended by representatives from Marian Grove, Mater Christi, The Sawtell Parish and community.

Michael Darragh introduced the Welcome to Country which was conducted by Kelly Rynkowski, followed by a ceremonial tree planting involving Gurmesh Singh MP, Michael Darragh and residents Frank Kennedy from Marian Grove and Dulcie Hornby from Mater Christi, with a blessing led by Matt Digges rounding out the formalities.

Music and celebration from “The legendary Marian Grove Ukulele Group” and Sawtell Ukulele Group delighted all attendees, especially the final number “You Are My Sunshine “ performed by both groups in unison.

The morning truly exemplified what the Link is all about; planting seeds of positivity and connection, and bringing community together to flourish and grow.
Thank you to everyone who supported, attended and participated.
Michelle Royce
Community Engagement /The Link Operations Manager