We’re inviting you to ‘Celebrate Together’ with us at The Link Pavilion through the week of Monday 6th February to Friday 10th February
Here’s what’s on!
9-3 daily ‘Young At Art’ plus ‘Ageless Creativity’ (Mater Christi and Marian Grove residents’ art and craft works) Exhibition in The Pavilion
Tuesday 7th 10-10.30 am
“Nota Bene”
String Ensemble performance
Wednesday 8th 10-11.30 am
“Sing for Happiness”
Workshop with Sue Lake Harris
Thursday 9th 10.30-11am
Marian Grove Ukulele Group
Friday 10th 10-11am
Movement for Fun and Wellbeing with Ruth Anne Triebner. Cost $5.00 p/p
Nota Bene
An orchestra is a large ensemble and not appropriate for all venues or occasions. In 2018 six members of the Coffs Harbour City Orchestra with an interest in chamber music formed a string ensemble, "Nota Bene". The group involves 3 violins, 2 violas and a cello and performs as a feature group at some Orchestra concerts also adding a piano on occasion. In the past year they have also performed in their own right at the Coffs Seniors week Concert in the Botanic Gardens, at a wedding, at the Bellingen Fine Music Festival, at a Red Cross concert and an art exhibition opening and Bellingen Arts Week. Nota Bene is Wendy Nathan (lead violin), Louise Thompson and Pamela Fayle (violins), Ruth Egan and David Fayle (violas) and Stephanie Abbott (cello) with occasional member Adrienne Farago (piano) - FREE

Our own fabulous Marian Grove community ukulele group will perform some of your favourite songs, come along and sing along!

Sue Lake-Harris
is a qualified teacher of performing arts with a Bachelor of education. She’s worked in this area since the late 1980s, specialising in musical theatre. It’s her favourite form of performance work, and singing is a personal passion.
Sue started singing at her grandmother’s knee. Her grandmother sang to returning troops at the end of WWI, and Sue loves the old songs from that time as her grandmother taught them to her.
Sue believes that while not everyone can be a soloist of great renown, everyone CAN sing – certainly well enough to enjoy themselves in the shower or at a karaoke night!
Singing is wonderful for health and well-being with both physiological, mental and emotional benefits. All the breathing stimulates blood and oxygen to flow through the body, the vibrations are felt throughout the nervous system, and these two things get the happy hormone, endorphin released, which gives feelings of warmth and joy. Endorphins are also pain relievers, so you might even find some aches and pains recede whenever you sing.
Sue would love to see you for what she promises will be a fun workshop – and you’ll definitely leave happy!
Ruth Anne is a well-known, long-time local instructor and advocate of movement in all its many forms – she believes we need to keep moving to create and maintain our mental and physical wellbeing. Ruth Anne will take you through a session catered for over 50’s that will get your blood pumping and your face smiling.
Please RSVP to The Link for Singing workshop and Movement session for numbers.
Email link@scca.net.au or phone 02 66389911
Hope to see you here!