Sawtell Catholic Care has joined other local government, companies, and organisations by starting up a 'Lifeblood Team'.
These teams include volunteer participants who work together and donate much needed blood and plasma to the Australian Red Cross.
Click on the QR code on the poster below to find out more about the Lifeblood program.
Why Donate Blood / Plasma?
1 in 3 people will need blood but only 1 in 30 donate
Coffs Harbour donor centre needs 800 donations every month to meet demand
Plasma can be used in 18 different life-giving treatments
Donating blood only take around an hour of your time and you will be helping save someone’s life
How to donate with us:
New donors – need to first register as a donor - either download the Donate Blood app, register via or call 13 14 95
Eligibility Questions – take the eligibility quiz or call 13 14 95 with any questions: Find out if you are eligible to donate blood | Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
Existing donors – need to make sure they link their profile to the Sawtell Catholic Care team (see instructions attached ‘How to join a LB Team’)
Then book in! Why not come with a colleague / friend / family member and donate together?
Enjoy the donation milkshake (for a plasma donation) and post-donation snacks
