What activities do you help and run?
I don’t run any activities; however I like to help out with many including:-
Thursday night Social Pool
Recreation Centre 7pm to 8.30pm
Casual rules (none really) just a chance to strike the ‘white ball’ in the right direction.
All welcome, don’t talk politics (much), no religion, or sex - sport yes.
Monday afternoon Ukulele Practice
Organisers Lorraine Kirkaldy and Peter Patton. Recreation Centre 2pm to 3.30pm. We have members from within he Marian Grove Village and also from outside the village. Enjoy the company of others and the wonderful, mainly ‘Old” songs we play and sing.
Everyone is welcome, beginners and experienced players. The group have played ‘gigs’ in the past at Nursing Homes and other social gatherings (pre Covid) and we hope to get back to doing ‘gigs’ soon. The reward is seeing the pleasure we give the audience.
Free BBQ 3rd Sunday
Organiser Sheila Dunn. Each month in the Rec reation Centre, eat at 12pm.
All Marian Grove residents are welcome (names are needed for catering purposes)
This is a wonderful social outing for all. 50 to 70 plus numbers in the past and we can cater for more.
Library Books to Rotary Book Fest
Library Organiser Sr Chris
The last Sunday of each month surplus books from the library are taken to Coffs Harbour Rotary Club’s site at the Show Ground for sorting and categorising for their annual sale.
When new residents come to Marian Grove they usually donate their surplus books to the library, which is very much appreciated. If there are duplicates we give these to Rotary and the sale from the proceeds go back into the community.
Christmas Day “Orphan’s Supper”
The evening on Christmas Day for those in their unit alone, single or couple, at no cost. A light meal is provided in the evening in the Recreation Centre. The last few years on Christmas Day there have been 30 or 40 who find themselves on their own and have enjoyed the social gathering.
Thank you so much, Jim, for all that information.