Since June 2015, the IN TOUCH team has striven to produce an enjoyable, informative and easy to read method of communication for Sawtell Catholic Care residents and their families and friends. Unbelievably, we’ve reached the milestone of our fiftieth issue! It’s been a joy and a privilege to connect with you, our readership, to share news and events as well as highlight the many inspirational achievements of our residents in and around the community. THANK YOU for your support and feedback. THANK YOU to our regular contributors and our eagle eyed subeditor, SR Anne Henson.
WE CARE about the news we deliver, but we couldn’t make it happen without your suggestions and contributions. IN TOUCH is your magazine. So please continue to give us your ideas, articles, photos & funnies.

Here’s to the next 50 issues!
Michelle Royce Comunication Coordinator.