As an inclusive community of Christian care, our Pastoral Care is grounded in our mission of actively supporting our community with Christian compassion. Our values of Love, Respect, Courage, and Justice, underpin a nurturing environment. Through acts of love, connections are fostered to provide comfort and belonging. Respect ensures that the dignity and uniqueness of each person are honoured. Courage offers strength and empathy to navigate challenges, while justice ensures fairness and equity in every interaction. This approach places emotional, spiritual, and social well-being at the centre of care, supporting each person in their journey.
An increasing priority for SCC, Pastoral Care has seen recent growth and diversification. Central to our mission of We Care, the spirituality of each resident, family and staff member, defined as ‘that which gives meaning to your life’ is encouraged and supported by qualified Pastoral Carers.
Many options for spiritual growth are offered. Weekly Masses are celebrated by our Carmelite priests. When a priest is unavailable, liturgies are conducted by lay leaders. In addition, prayer, discussion, and bible sharing groups as well as Ecumenical Services are conducted weekly. Individual visits are coordinated to reach those unable to leave homes or rooms
Ecumenical Service
We also help look after the Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church. Visit the Website for more information and service times.
The pastoral life of the Village and Mater Christi is augmented by the dedicated service of thirty volunteers. These committed community members offer their practical, pastoral, and spiritual skills to assist residents to lead meaningful lives. Through their generosity, Village residents are assisted to attend medical appointments, visited in their homes, assisted to exercise, and supported to attend activities in the Community Room, Our Lady of the Way Chapel, The Link, and Village Centre. Volunteers take Holy Communion weekly to those who cannot attend the Chapel.
We are blessed with the generosity and service of our volunteers.